Book Recommendations

Books for business and leadership


These are some of the books that have guided our business journey and we hope that they are helpful along yours:

  1. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

  2. Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

  3. Quiet by Susan Cain

  4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

  5. How to Get Sh*t Done by Erin Falconer

  6. This is Marketing by Seth Godin

  7. Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sineck

  8. Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron

  9. Profit First by Michael Michalowicz

  10. Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller

  11. Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu

  12. Start with Why by Simon Sineck

shelf of books with white covers